I am a licensed professional counselor, author, educator, and trainer who has been providing mental health services for adolescents and adults across the lowcountry for well over 20 years.
If you are looking for mental health services and resources you have come to the right place!
Looking to Sponsor a Workshop?
Welcome to my website! I am a licensed professional counselor, author, educator, and trainer who has been providing mental health services for adolescents and adults across the lowcountry for well over 20 years.
If you are looking for mental health services and resources you have come to the right place!
In August 2007, I teamed up with Susan Shankle to author a book entitled What in the World are your Kids Doing Online? It was published by Broadway Books, a division of Random House/Doubleday and is a great resources for parents and helping professionals. It can still be purchased on amazon.com.
I organize, sponsor, and facilitate a wide variety of mental health events and workshops across South Carolina. My practice, Counseling Associates, is an approved provider of continuing education through the South Carolina Licensing Review Board. See upcoming events…